Join us for this family friendly event!
Celebrating their 1st year Anniversary with a Cornhole Tournament!
Bring your team for a chance to win a gift card for a custom cornhole set from Wicked Cornhole! Valued at $329!
We encourage each team to arrive wearing matching/themed outfits & bring your own boards!
$50 per team - additional guests free
Each player registered will receive 1 ticket for a MoonHill Brewing Beer!
4 Rounds, Round Robin, Set Teams & Points are Recorded
Cash Bar
$1 of each MoonHill event specialty beer sale will be donated to Patient Care 4 Cure 2023.
Sweet & Savory Food Truck will be on site
Registration is required.
Event is rain or shine.
We will be using the Scoreholio app for scoring at the event.
Once registered, please CLICK HERE to add your team to the roster!
50/50 Raffle!
Tickets are 3 for $5
Featuring music by the Coalboilers!
Sign up to be our band sponsor!
Your logo will be prominently displayed on signage during the event and on all promotions!
Contact the office at 978-632-1780 or chamber@gardnerma.com
This is limited to ONE sponsor – DON’T MISS OUT!