Hervey Bowden Essay Contest Awards Night

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Name: Hervey Bowden Essay Contest Awards Night
Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Hervey Bowden Essay Contest Awards Night 7-8 pm (reception at 6:30 pm only for participating students and their families) High School students explore the overarching history topic "Gardner - 100 years as a city," as part of Gardner’s Centenary. The winning research paper receives a $250 award tonight. 3 Finalists will read their essays. This year’s event is dedicated to Raymond Fredette (1924-2022), the contest’s founder and sponsor. The award money (sent by Ray shortly before his death) will be presented by his nephew Steve Fredette and wife Patti.  

RESERVATION is required for every event (email preferred)!!!
The Gardner Museum
28 Pearl Street
Gardner, MA
Date/Time Information:
May 11th
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of www.gardnerma.com/ – Contact the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce for more information.
P.O. Box 1381, Gardner, MA 01440-6381 – (978) 632-1780 – chamber@gardnerma.com