Annual Meeting Event Sponsor
March 13, 2023 - April 17, 2023
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.

2023 Annual Meeting & Awards Sponsorship Opportunities
All sponsors will be displayed in our event program booklet, event page, E-News publications, slide show and social media platforms.
FORMATS: Press Quality PDF. NO JPG, PNG or other formats
COLORS: Convert colors to CMYK. NO RGB or spot colors not accepted
FONTS: Convert fonts to OUTLINES.
PHOTOS/GRAPHICS: 300 dpi at actual size. Make sure colors are CMYK and EMBED photos in your files. NO RGB or Spot Colors.
LOGOS: 300 dpi, Vector EPS with fonts converted to outlines.
Please: NO Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, JPG, GIF, PICT, PNG, WMF
Non-Agency Ads and Logos
If you do not use an agency or professional designer, our graphic designer will create your ad from copy you provide. Be sure to include company name, address, phone number, and web site address, as well as your email address so we may send you a PDF ad proof.
LOGOS: 300 dpi, Vector EPS with fonts converted to outlines.
PROOF: All advertisers will receive a PDF proof via email. Sign-off must be
received prior to our going to press.
Be sure to supply your email address with your order.
Deadline and Submission
Electronic ads and logos should be submitted directly to Competitive Edge
Marketing & Design via email to: In the
subject line put ?GGCC Chamber Ad.? In your message, please refer to the size ad you have purchased, include your phone number, and contact name in the email.
If you have any questions, contact Maureen at 978.758.1013.
Printed ad copy, logos, and payment should be mailed to or dropped off at
Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce, 29 Parker Street, P.O. Box 1381, Gardner, MA 01440. Please be sure to include your contact name and email address so we can send you a PDF proof of your completed ad.
DEADLINE for Ad Submission: April 17
Please make your ad selection and make payment on this page.
Please Note that low resolution or poor quality art provided will appear exactly as you provide it. Neither GGCC nor Competitive Edge Marketing & Design will accept responsibility for poor quality art, typos, or misspellings in art you provide and/or proofs on which you have signed off.
All sponsors will be displayed in our event program booklet, event page, E-News publications, slide show and social media platforms.
FORMATS: Press Quality PDF. NO JPG, PNG or other formats
COLORS: Convert colors to CMYK. NO RGB or spot colors not accepted
FONTS: Convert fonts to OUTLINES.
PHOTOS/GRAPHICS: 300 dpi at actual size. Make sure colors are CMYK and EMBED photos in your files. NO RGB or Spot Colors.
LOGOS: 300 dpi, Vector EPS with fonts converted to outlines.
Please: NO Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, JPG, GIF, PICT, PNG, WMF
Non-Agency Ads and Logos
If you do not use an agency or professional designer, our graphic designer will create your ad from copy you provide. Be sure to include company name, address, phone number, and web site address, as well as your email address so we may send you a PDF ad proof.
LOGOS: 300 dpi, Vector EPS with fonts converted to outlines.
PROOF: All advertisers will receive a PDF proof via email. Sign-off must be
received prior to our going to press.
Be sure to supply your email address with your order.
Deadline and Submission
Electronic ads and logos should be submitted directly to Competitive Edge
Marketing & Design via email to: In the
subject line put ?GGCC Chamber Ad.? In your message, please refer to the size ad you have purchased, include your phone number, and contact name in the email.
If you have any questions, contact Maureen at 978.758.1013.
Printed ad copy, logos, and payment should be mailed to or dropped off at
Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce, 29 Parker Street, P.O. Box 1381, Gardner, MA 01440. Please be sure to include your contact name and email address so we can send you a PDF proof of your completed ad.
DEADLINE for Ad Submission: April 17
Please make your ad selection and make payment on this page.
Please Note that low resolution or poor quality art provided will appear exactly as you provide it. Neither GGCC nor Competitive Edge Marketing & Design will accept responsibility for poor quality art, typos, or misspellings in art you provide and/or proofs on which you have signed off.